Welcome to the third dev blog. Today, a lot of new features and improvements have been added:
-> Adding a background to the maps
-> Added a parallax system on the background that makes the effect more fluid when the character moves
-> Fixed the glitch where the player was sliding on some platforms
-> Fix the bug where the player could go under the map
-> Added teleportation on platforms if the player falls into the void
-> Adding a new cursor style available in the game
-> Adding new clothes for chest rewards
-> Fix the bug where you couldn't move when you clicked on the wardrobe or buttons
-> Added a message visible to all players when someone collects a reward in a chest
-> New logo for the site
-> New interface design for the site
-> Added "Chatting", "Dashboard", "Members" buttons on the site
-> Adjustment of the problem of news/dev blog the most recent one that was not displayed on the homepage